
Comprehensive elearning for implementing strategic energy management (SEM)

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA), a non-profit that advocates energy efficiency in both commercial and industrial sectors engaged Fulcrum Forge to develop a 16 part elearning series to help companies get started managing energy efficiently. This training series covered everything from forming an energy team, to planning and managing specific energy efficiency projects.


Compelling, Interactive, Impactful

This elearning series was developed from random slide decks and interviews with energy efficiency consultants. Fulcrum Forge conducted interviews, wrote, revised and edited scripts, and produced the interactive elearning vignettes.

This elearning series has been online since 2012, and Fulcrum Forge has updated the series twice. It remains the cornerstone of online courses available on NEEA’s SEM Hub.

Go to the SEM Hub

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Digital Learning Transformation

We transformed several of the interactive vignettes created for NEEA from existing legacy training, slide decks, recorded presentations, and instructor-lead training.

Taking legacy and instructor-led training and moving it to interactive digital learning, helped NEEA extend the life of their existing training. Keeping content that was relevant while updating the substance to bring it up to date reduced the cost compared to creating content from scratch. Making the content digitally available, and accessible anywhere, from any device ensured their customers, and partners had the training they needed, when they needed it.